Donnerstag, 9. Januar 2014

The Story of Ireland: Homework Correction

The Story of Irelad

The most fascinating aspect of Irish culture that I learned about by watching the Story of Ireland was the fact that Irish history is marked by a constant fight against oppression. In the 17. century, King James, King of England, Scotland and Ireland, sent Protestant English settlers to Ulster in order to colonize the mostly Christian Ireland.  The colonization as well as the increasing immigration of Scots caused an uprising among the Irish people. The Irish had to work for the English settlers on plantations and the living conditions were very bad, which amplified the Irish desire to regain control over their own country and re-establish Christianity as the main religion.  Religious conflicts and power struggles affected not only Ireland but all of Europe. That is why countries like Spain or France were inclined to ally with the Gaelic revolutionists against the Protestant English crown. Nonetheless, for a very long time English forces were able to repress the Irish uprising by means of bloodshed and terror. Even decades after this violent period of Gaelic history it still has a tremendous effect on the Irish people and their relations to England; therefore, doing research on this particular aspect of Irish history was highly interesting.
Word count: 185

Keep in mind:

  • don't use imprecise expressions (more than dramatic => very bad) 
  • King James, King of England.... (King=> refers to King James, who was a concrete person with a concrete title "King") BUT: kings were fighting all over Europe => not referring to ONE specific king
  • relations or relationship  (not relation)
  • cause an uprising (needs article!)

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