Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

Dictionary transcription

" has the.. actually it has the basics every dictionary should have. You can enter a word here and then it tells you .. uhm.. what kind of word it an adverb or a preposition that goes with it...uhm.. it gives you very good exemplary sentences and more than just one.. uhm.. it gives you all the different definitions, so also not just one. And you can click on that button and then you hear what the word sounds like and then you have the phonetic.. uhm... I forgot the name for it *laughing*..whatever.. you can read the word and find out how to pronounce it"

  • I can't believe I actually forgot the word "phonetic transcription". That's actually a word I frequently had to use in my English classes last year. I don't know why but suddenly I just lost the thread.
  • I do say "uhm" pretty often; I don't know if that's normal when you speak or if I should change that. I guess that's just because I never know what I want to say next. (same in geman). I probably should work on that.
  • The way I said "button" was pretty weird. I think I'll ask an American friend of mine; he should show me how to pronounce it so that it sounds more American.

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