Donnerstag, 24. Oktober 2013

Dictionary transcription

" has the.. actually it has the basics every dictionary should have. You can enter a word here and then it tells you .. uhm.. what kind of word it an adverb or a preposition that goes with it...uhm.. it gives you very good exemplary sentences and more than just one.. uhm.. it gives you all the different definitions, so also not just one. And you can click on that button and then you hear what the word sounds like and then you have the phonetic.. uhm... I forgot the name for it *laughing*..whatever.. you can read the word and find out how to pronounce it"

  • I can't believe I actually forgot the word "phonetic transcription". That's actually a word I frequently had to use in my English classes last year. I don't know why but suddenly I just lost the thread.
  • I do say "uhm" pretty often; I don't know if that's normal when you speak or if I should change that. I guess that's just because I never know what I want to say next. (same in geman). I probably should work on that.
  • The way I said "button" was pretty weird. I think I'll ask an American friend of mine; he should show me how to pronounce it so that it sounds more American.

Reminiscing... =)

When I was looking for a profile picture today, I searched through my files and stumpled upon the pictures of the first time I came to Graz with my parents. Since my room in the dormitory was already ready to move in, we decided to visit Graz for 4 days. My parents stayed at a nearby hotel and I slept in my room. I remember how nervous and excited I was the day we started our trip. I'd have to introduce myself to the housemaster, receive the keys and for the first time in my life I'd sign a contract that says I'm moving from Tyrol to Graz. I knew soon I'd be flying the nest. Even though I was soooo nervous everything went down very well. On the first day, I got to know one of my apartment-colleagues (this dormitory consists of apartments; I share a bathroom with 2 others but have my own room). We had a nice chat and the first thing he asked me was: "You are from Tyrol, right?". Apparently you hear that from my accent :D. (A looot of people have already asked me that question :P). The day after I want shopping with my parents. We bought everything I might need in my nice little room: furniture, cutlery, groceries etc.
After we bought everything, we decided to ramble about the city. Since they had already been to Graz, they showed me the most important buildings and we looked for stores, drugstore, banks etc...just so that I would't end up getting lost someday haha.

 -> shopping spree :P

-> first breakfast in my room ( we had bought the awesome folding table and the chairs the day before : D)

-> the view out of my window. Isn't it just beautiful?

After 4 days we started our journey back home again. We had 4 wooonderful days in Graz together. And although I had only gotten to know one of the many people in my dormitory I was more than optimistic that everything would turn out to be just fine. :) (which in the end proved itself  true)

Dienstag, 15. Oktober 2013

Home sweet home..

Last weekend I could finally get on the train homeward. *Yay*
I had ordered and received the tickets two weeks ago and since then I'd been looking forward to seeing my family and my friends again. My journey started after my last class on Thursday and took six hours and 30 minutes!

When I finally arrived home I was dead tired. My parents had been waiting for me with tea, oranges and chestnuts. Veeeeeery christmas-like =). So my brother, my parents and I gathered in the living room and talked about what had happened since we had last seen each other. I told them about life in Graz, college and my new friends here.
The weather in the following days was so good that we decided to go for a walk in the mountains twice (in Wildermieming). The landscape was stunningly beautiful: the sun was shining brightly, snow was clading the mountains, there were trees in all the different colors of fall, and the air was smelling like winter.
On Friday my Grandmother came to visit us (just like every Friday). Even if I hate riddles I decided to solve some of them with her. She seemed to be glad to see me and asked all kinds of different questions about Graz (just like basically every one I met : D ).
On Saturday I visited my other Grandmother. And guess what? Exactly - again I was asked a lot of various questions :P
On Sunday I finally got to see all of my friends. They were rehearsing with their band and asked me to come and listen to them. So I drove to their rehearsal room and spent some time with them. Afterwards we went to a bar for a drink. I was so happy to finally see them again! =)

My train to Graz left on monday. Surprisingly I was not even too sad about leaving Tyrol. I guess that's because I was already looking forward to Graz again.
So now I'm back in Styria. I've had a wooonderful and absolutely fantastic weekend with a lot of joy, sunshine, nature, laughter, family and friends.
I'd lie if I said I wouldn't be looking forward to my next trip to Tyrol (which will be in about 3 weeks). But I'd also lie if I said I hated coming back to Graz.
Actually it's perfect the way it is- a good mixture of work, studying and going out in Graz and family and old friends in Tyrol.

-> Tyrol last year ( I forgot to take pictures last weekend but it looked pretty much like that)

Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013


As an explanation for all of you guys, who don't know why I actually created this blog:
It's a task for our English class. Since most of us mainly use English passively this blog is one way to use it acitvely- by writing about our lifes. So I'll just start by introducing myself.

I'm Eva-  a 20 year old student who moved from Tyrol to Graz to fullfill her dream of professionalizing her two favorite languages. English and Russian. *yay*
I came here 3 weeks ago not knowing what to expect. Luckily, my best friend got some days off and decided to stay with me for a while. We did the typical sightseeing - everything you would expect someone to do if he's new in town. Plus, of course, all the annoying organizational stuff.
Time went by and soon came the day my best friend had to leave - and I was on my own. Ok, not completely on my own. I have preeeetttyy cool roommates who showed me around and helped me whenever possible.
Now, after 3 weeks, I realized how awesome Graz is. How awesome studying here is. What a great opportunity it is. In the last couple of weeks I got to know a lot of new people from all over the country. We are all different people but most of us have one thing in common: We are all new here, and most of us didn't know anyone when we arrived : D.
So yeah, those past 3 weeks were at the beginning kind of scary but in the end I had a lot of fun. And I hope this will continue to be this way.... : P

->  that's where I actually come from. "Tyrol- the land between the mountains : P"

-> that's where I live now. "Styria- the land between....uhm.. well atleast they do have hills : P"

Montag, 7. Oktober 2013

First entry: first class assignment :)

Today in class I got to know Bircan. She is an Erasmus student from Turkey, who first lived in Germany and then moved to Turkey.  In Turkey, she studies Turkish, German and English. Furthermore, I found out about her very special hobby. Bircan likes to take pictures of random things (like bread and tea) and upload them on her blog- without any writing. Also, she loves to watch series like "The Big Bang Theory". What I find especially interesting is the fact that when she speaks Turkish people say "oh you are from Germany- you have an accent :D"